Tuesday 13 September 2011

Hot Chocolate

打造S型身段 全攻略

热巧克力+ 左旋肉碱+ 芦荟 +白芸豆 = 溶脂+ 燃脂+ 排油
无需运动 / 无需打针 / 无需节食 / 绝无副作用 / 永不反弹配方




6. 取自于白芸豆其所含的醣蛋白,会与醣类分子形成复合物,因而阻断醣类消化酵素的作用,故能有效的抑制醣类吸收,减少热量的摄取,而达到减肥的效果。


- 1985 年芝加哥国际营养学术会议—左旋肉碱是“多功能营养品”
- 1993年美国食品药品监督局(FDA)-“公认安全无毒”。
- 1994年德国卫生部—左旋肉碱使用量无需规定上限。
- 1997年中国卫生部科教部发13号文件认定左旋肉碱为安全营养强化剂。
安全性很高 • 自动助减肥 • 本质营养素 • 胖人最缺乏 • 运动员最爱 • 素食者最爱






New weight-loss product – S’ Hot Chocolate, the miracle drink to create S-posture in just 30 days!!!

The perfect weight-loss equation:
Hot chocolate + L-carnitine + Aloe vera + White kidney bean = Fat burning
NO exercise / NO injection / NO diet / NO side effects
Consume for 1 day and feel its difference...
It uses pure cocoa powder formulation that will not cause any diarrhea symptoms. Within 2 to 4 hours, your body will begin detoxification process and start to burn fat. It will be an amazing experience you could ever felt in your life!
Consume for 10 days and less 1 to 3kg...
Your body fat and toxins will be discharged massively, while the intestinal absorption of calories can be controlled effectively. Your body will start building up a balance mechanism and resulting in weight-loss according to individual body type. At this stage, one’s body weight can be reduced by 1 to 3kg.

Consume for 20 days and less 3 to 5kg...
Your body will continue in burning fat quickly and reducing your weight by 3 to 6kg. At the same time, the balance of calories in your body will reach an equilibrium state.

Consume for 30 days and less 4 to 6kg…
At this stage, moderate obesity was reduced to the standard user weight, while the regular mechanism for any intake and consumption of calories has been completely formed,

Why do you need S’ Hot Chocolate as your weight-loss companion?
1. You will be captivated by its luscious cocoa taste!
2. Easy to prepare with hot water only.
3. With latest nano technology, it can be more efficient in burning fat and calories, while promoting metabolism. Surprise yourself in a positive way with no side effects!
4. The addition of L-carnitine can promote decomposition of fatty acid via mitochondrial. L-carnitine is able to boost up your metabolism and resulting in natural weight-loss.
5. Aloe vera components can treat colitis, ulcers and acute intestinal inflammation. The ingredients can also promote the emission of pepsin, which can help the stomach to digest food properly. In addition, Aloe vera active factor can promote fat burning and inhibit the intestinal absorption of dietary; while the activity of aloe emodin and alkaline can play the role of catharsis as an effective secondary prevention of fat accumulation.
6. Extracted from white kidney bean, glycoprotein can block the enzyme's role in carbohydrate digestion. By then, it can effectively inhibit carbohydrate absorption and reduce calories intake in order to achieve weight-loss effect., most people slim down 4 to 5kg and their body fat rate had reduced 11%.
What is L-Carnitine?
L-Carnitine is internationally recognised as “vitamin” used for fat burning without any side effects.
1985: Chicago International Conference on Nutrient – L-carnitine is a “multi-functional” food.
1993: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – It is recognised as safe and non-toxic.
1994: German Federal Ministry of Health – L-carnitine is safe to be used in any amount or quantity.
1997: China Ministry of Health and Ministry of Science and Education Division had identified L-carnitineas a safe nutrient supplement.
High safety • Help to lose weight • Essential nutrients • Suitable for obesity • Athletes’ favourite • Vegetarians’ lover

Product: Slimming Beverage – S’ Hot Chocolate
Main ingredients:
White kidney bean extract is an active compound derived from white kidney bean which is native to Peru. It is a starch neutralizer which specifically and temporarily inhibits the digestive enzyme alpha amylase. Alpha-amylase is responsible for breaking down starch to simple sugars that are absorbed in the small intestine. Hence by inhibiting alpha amylase, quantity of carbohydrate broken down into glucose will be reduced.

L-Carnitine is made in the body from amino acids lysine and methionine. It is produced by body in the liver and kidney, stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain etc. It works to increase the use of fat as an energy source by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are burned to release energy for body functions.

Aloe Vera contains various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids etc. It has been widely used for its enhancement of normal gastrointestinal function and ease constipation.

Fructose Oligo-Saccharides (FOS) refers to a class of non-digestible carbohydrates or sugars that occur naturally in a wide variety of foods throughout the plant kingdom. It acts as a non-digestible fiber in the diet which is used by the good intestinal bacteria for growth and multiplication. FOS increases the amount of beneficial bacteria, and thus improves in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, detoxification and elimination processes, and in the immune system.

Main functions:
1. Neutralize starch and block sugar absorption
Inhibit the enzyme alpha-amylase which breakdown starch into sugar for absorption in the small intestine Allow body to absorb less calorie intake

2. Enhance the consumption of fat as a source of energy
Promote fat burning
Increase energy level

3. Enable detoxification and bowel movement
Cleanse the body by eliminating the metabolite wastes
Filter and remove harmful toxins from the intestinal tract

4. Promote healthy weight loss
Block excess glucose absorption, increase fat metabolism, and provide various nutrients

Why you need to consume S’ hot chocolate as your weight loss product?
- Nano technology applied to ensure optimum absorption of S’ hot chocolate into our body cell, it brings more effective slimming effect than others slimming beverage.
- It burns calorie and fat inside our body, meanwhile it rise up body metabolism of our body. Thus the existing of L-Carnitine decomposes fat faster by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria.
- It strictly control daily calorie intake by our body, drink it twice can boost up slimming effect in our body.
- Aloe Vera helps to filter and remove harmful toxins from our intestinal tract, it increase absorption of S’ hot chocolate by our body too. Takes it daily brings eternal beauty inside out.

Mix one sachet with 150ml lukewarm water, once a day before meal. For best result, take 2 sachets per day.
* Consume 15 minutes before dinner if you have any gastrointestinal problem.

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