Tuesday 13 September 2011

Beauty Solution

Beauty Solution



如何防止在身体堆积毒素?是时候该为自己的优食负责任了。排毒是每天的必修课,所以慎选排毒产品是很重要的。推荐11种排毒性超强成份的Beauty Solution,让你一次过变身零毒素的时尚达人!

容量 :每盒15包,12克一包装


黑加仑含有丰富的营养价值,抗氧化,维生素, 脂肪酸和矿物质。黑加仑也含有莓子里的天然成分,花青素。它可用于治疗心血管疾病,预防心机能不全与血管阻塞,它可提高抵抗微血管易碎,减低血管压力。


玉米水溶性纤维(prebiotic fibre)它能帮助缓解偶然性的便秘,帮助维持健康的血清甘油三酸指数及降低血液中的胆固醇指数,这样就能降低心脏病的风险。除此之外,它还能减少餐后血糖和胰岛素的提升,维持正常人的水平。

芦荟 (Aloe) 对细胞组织的保护作用和受损细胞的赋活再生作用。除此之外,芦荟含有芦荟素、芦荟咪酊等有效成份起着增进食欲和大肠缓泻的作用,也具有健胃、缓泻、增强精力和健康的作用。芦荟能增强身体的抵抗力,抗炎及杀菌。

燕麦Avena sativa是一种优质的膳食纤维,低甜味、低热量、无异味,安定性高,能有效限制消化道内脂肪的吸收,促进类脂化合物的排泄,增加饱腹感,减少进食量,抑制增血糖素分泌,促使葡萄糖吸收减慢,从而降低餐后血糖水平,降低血脂,预防肥胖症。


• 偏头痛
• 大肚腩
• 下半身肥胖
• 腹胀
• 青春痘
• 皮肤暗淡无光
• 头发脱落
• 头皮屑
• 牛皮癣
• 容易疲倦
• 难以入睡
• 抵抗力下降
• 各种癌症
• 经痛

• 皮肤白皙动人
• 发质强化不再脱落
• 头皮屑问题解决了
• 改善失眠
• 改善酸性体质
• 皮肤恢复弹性
• 皮肤问题得到改善
• 延缓老化
• 容光焕发
• 完美身段

• 排毒
• 预防便秘
• 提高消化能力
• 促进大肠蠕动
• 增强免疫能力
• 抗氧化
• 预防癌症
• 增进血液循环
• 提供营养
• 促进新陈代谢
• 维持健康血压
• 降低血糖和胆固醇
• 预防发炎


1. 黑加仑粉
2. 洛神花粉
3. 棕油榈纤维
4. 燕麦纤维
5. 玉米可溶解纤维
6. 果寡糖
7. 苹果纤维
8. 螺旋藻
9. 芦荟粉
10. 疏菜粉
11. 瓜尔胶

黑加仑含有丰富的营养价值, 抗氧化, 维生素, 脂肪酸和矿物质. 黑加仑也含有莓子里的天然成分,花青素.它可用于治疗心血管疾病, 预防心机能不全与血管阻塞, 它可提高抵抗微血管易碎, 减低血管压力. 还有, 提高更年期血液循环, 清理血液毒素及胆固醇. 黑加仑还可帮助抗发炎与高抗氧化.

洛神花含有丰富的蛋白质、有机酸、维生素C、多种氨基酸、大量的天然色素及多种对人体有益的矿物质。研究报告显示洛神花主要功能是抗氧化. 花青素, 给予洛神花深红色素, 这代表着洛神花含有高抗氧化. 抗氧化主要功能是帮助降低某种癌症的风险. 此外, 它也含有维生素C, 钙质和铁质. 68名轻微高血压病患做临床实验, 证明洛神花有效降低血压. 维持血压健康水平是可预防心血管阻塞和心脏病.

玉米纤维(prebiotic fibre)它能帮助缓解偶然性的便秘,帮助维持健康的血清甘油三酸指数及降低血液中的胆固醇指数,这样就能降低心脏病的风险。除此之外,它还能减少餐后血糖和胰岛素的提升,维持正常人的水平。


油棕优越的营养品质使它成为大众食物的首选原料。维他命E在油棕里扮演抗氧化剂的功效,它在健康和食品工业中扮演抗老化和抗癌效用。油棕纤维容易被消化, 吸收和在新陈代谢过程中使用。它的好处于可以降低血液中胆固醇指数,维持正常的血糖支书,维持健康的消化系统,防止大肠癌。


燕麦Avena sativa是一种优质的膳食纤维,低甜味、低热量、无异味,安定性高,能有效限制消化道内脂肪的吸收,促进类脂化合物的排泄,增加饱腹感,减少进食量,抑制增血糖素分泌,促使葡萄糖吸收减慢,从而降低餐后血糖水平,降低血脂,预防肥胖症。此外,许多研究发现燕麦能够有效的降低血清胆固醇。

芦荟 (Aloe) 对细胞组织的保护作用和受损细胞的赋活再生作用。除此之外,芦荟含有芦荟素、芦荟咪酊等有效成份起着增进食欲和大肠缓泻的作用,也具有健胃、缓泻、增强精力和健康的作用。芦荟能增强身体的抵抗力,抗炎及杀菌。此外,它的功能也包括增强内脏功能、稳定和促进内分泌系统、强心、促进血液循环、软化血管、降低胆固醇值和扩张毛细血管。

螺旋藻(Spirulina)能提高淋巴细胞活性,增强人体免疫力,因此对胃肠疾病及肝病患者康复具有特殊意义。其中维生素及矿物质含量极为丰富,包括维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素B12、维生素E、维生素K, 维生素A, 维生素D等.

螺旋藻用于抗氧化, 抗菌, 帮助减肥和降低血脂与胆固醇. 螺旋藻还可以帮助提高免疫力以及减低敏感度.

瓜尔豆胶(Cyamposis tetragonolobus)能将肠道内的多余废物吸附在瓜尔胶分子上面,形成粪便排泄出体外。它能增加大便体积带走体内多余水分,从而达到减肥的目的。

疏菜低脂肪和卡路里, 是膳食纤维的主要来源, 还提供高能量. 这样可以帮助有效的控制体重. 高纤维, 低能量可帮助维持饱感, 避免摄取多余卡路里. 蔬菜含有很多维生素提供给人体足够的营养去提升肌肉细胞的能量. 这样可提供充沛的力量去帮助燃烧更多能量.

Beauty Solution容量:每盒15包,8克一包装

Beauty Solution
Contains 11 types of detoxifying agents
Cleanses your body and reduces your waist line

You might have heard a lot about detoxification. But do you truly know the benefits of detoxification and the adverse effects of having toxins built up in the body? The most obvious effects imposed by the accumulation of toxins are physical fatigue, dull skin complexion and bloated tummy. Exercising will help to detoxify but it wouldn’t help to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. The reason being that we are just discharging our cortex fat through perspiration system and there are still fats, wastes and toxic residues accumulating in our intestines and body organs.
Many human diseases are caused by the buildup of toxins in the body. Detoxification is a vital process according to health experts. Besides maintaining our personal hygiene and food hygiene, our body must be rid of harmful substances, wastes and excessive nutrients in order to stay healthy.
Detoxification is a necessary course in our daily life. You may ask how can we get rid of the accumulated toxins in our body? The answer lies in our Beauty Solution. It contains 11 types of detoxifying agents that would carry out the detoxifying process effectively. It will transform your life into a wonderful life. Feel the difference yourself today.

Serving size : 15 sachets per box, 12gm per sachet
Preparation : Mix 1 sachet with 200ml of room temperature water and stir/shake well. Drink some water after consumption if necessary. Best consume daily before bedtime.
* Consume 15 minutes before dinner if you have any gastrointestinal problem.

Main ingredients
Blackcurrants Powder
Blackcurrants(Ribes Nigrum) are very rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals. Blackcurrants also contain anthocyanins, which are compounds found naturally in berries.
It is used in treating cardiovascular diseases and preventing cardiac insufficiency and vascular accidents. It is found to increase the resistance of fragile sanguine capillaries and reduce arterial hypertension. Moreover, it cleanses the toxins, wastes and cholesterol in the blood and it intensifies weak peripheral circulation caused by menopause. Blackcurrants also act as an anti-inflammatory and powerful anti-oxidant.

Roselle Powder
Roselle(Hibiscus sabdariff L.) is well-known for its health promoting properties.
Anthocyanin, which gives roselle its deep red colour, is the most abundant antioxidant in roselle. It helps to decrease the risk of various types of cancer. Roselle is also rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium and iron.
A scientific study had been conducted on 68 diabetic patients with mild hypertension. The findings of the study showed that roselle can effectively lower blood pressure in those patients. Maintaining healthy blood pressure is very important to prevent atherosclerosis (stiffening of arteries) and cardiovascular diseases.

Corn Soluble Fiber
Corn soluble fiber is a prebiotic fiber that is well-tolerated and has a low glycemic response.
It helps to relieve occasional constipation. It also helps to maintain healthy serum triglyceride level and reduce blood cholesterol level, therefore lowering the risk of heart disease and reducing peak postprandial blood glucose to normal levels in those healthy individuals.

Apple Fiber
Apples help to reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Apples contain Vitamin C and a high level of antioxidant compounds, which help to reduce the risk of cancer by scavenging the free radicals therefore preventing DNA damage.

Aloe Vera Powder
Aloe vera, also known as the Medicinal Aloe, has been recognized for centuries for its remarkable health-enhancing properties. Aloe vera is said to facilitate digestion, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as enhancing kidney, liver and gall bladder functions.
Aloe Vera plays a very important role in medicinal field. It has been used in the treatment of bronchial congestion. It has also been used to relieve gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, irritable bowels, constipation and hemorrhoids.

Oat Fiber
Oats, known scientifically as Avena sativa, is a type of hardy cereal grain able to withstand poor soil conditions in which other crops are unable to thrive.
Oat fiber has been known to lower cholesterol level. It also helps to prevent heart diseases, stabilize blood sugar levels and enhance our immune system.

Other ingredients include Palm Oil Fiber, Spirulina, Vegetable Powder and Guar Gum

Adverse effects caused by accumulated toxins
• Migraine
• Obesity
• Abdominal distension
• Acne
• Dull skin complexion
• Menstrual pain
• Hair loss
• Dandruff
• Psoriasis
• Physical fatigue
• Insomnia
• Weak immune system
• Increased risk of getting cancers

After detoxification
• Radiant and younger looking skin
• Finer skin texture
• Supple skin with improved elasticity
• Increased energy level
• Strengthened hair
• No more dandruff
• Quality sleep
• Improvement on acidic body type
• Slender body shape

• Detoxify
• Stimulate bowel movement
• Relieve and prevent constipation
• Promote digestive function
• Provide essential nutrients
• Increase metabolism
• Enhance immune function
• Prevent cancers
• Improve blood circulation
• Maintain optimal blood pressure level
• Lower blood sugar & cholesterol level
• Antioxidant & anti-aging
• Anti-inflammatory

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