Thursday 29 September 2011

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Metabolic Rate

What is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?
The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the number of calories the body needs when at rest.

The speed of your metabolism is determined by many factors such as gender, age, muscle mass compared to body fat and the amount of physical activity undertaken on a regular basis. In general, Male's rates are higher than females because of the testosterone hormone and their higher muscle level.
Male's rates are fairly consistent and tend to stabilise about age 50 when testosterone start levels drop slightly. Women's rates increase during pregnancy and even higher when breast feeding, but drop when they go through menopause.

Why is monitoring the Basal Metabolic Rate important?
Understanding the Basal Metabolic Rate will allow a user to monitor the number of calories their body requires according to their physique and lifestyle. The more muscle or general activity a person takes the more calories required - a diet and fitness program can be based on this information.
The Basal Metabolic Rate level also decreases as the body ages. However the Basal Metabolic Rate will increase through a regular routine of cardiovascular exercise and increased activity.

What is Metabolic Age?
Metabolic Age Rating indicates what age level the user's BMR is currently rated at.
Basal Metabolic Rate decreases, as one grows older. Children have a higher BMR than adults due to the required energy to fabricate human tissue. BMR in children tends to peak at age 16/17.

Why is the Metabolic Age Rating important?
The monitor will calculate your BMR and an age will be given relating to statistical information collated during our extensive research.
If the age indicated is higher than the user's actual age then the user needs to improve their Basal Metabolic Rate. Increasing exercise levels will build healthier muscle tissue which will burn more calories consequently improving the user's metabolic age rating.

Results range guide

12 - 50 years
Displayed at increments of 1 year

A 30 year old woman with a 35 year old Basal Metabolic Age rating would need to address her fitness and health programme in order to lower her BMR rating.
HomeTanita ProductsWhat Are You Made Of?
Body Fat & Visceral FatBody WaterMusclesBoneYour MetabolismCalorie IntakeYour PhysiqueAthletic BodiesA Note For WomenHealthy LivingUsing your monitorUser ReviewsIn the mediaNeed More Info?Contact Tanita WorldwideCompany ProfileTanita DistributorsPrivacy StatementFeedback


Bone Mineral Mass
What is this?
The Bone Mineral Mass feature, which appears on selected Body Composition Monitors (Innerscan), indicates an estimated weight of bone nineral mass. This result is reached through statistical calculation based on research findings that there is a close correlation with bone weight and FFM (Fat Free Mass).

Why do I need to monitor it?
The development of muscle tissue through exercise has been shown to encourage stronger, healthier bones.
It's important that users should aim to develop and maintain healthy bones through plenty of exercise along with a calcium-rich diet.
Obviously there is no healthy range or target for Bone Mineral Mass but as Innerscan gives repeatable readings you will be able to monitor any changes over time.*

*(This measurement is not intended as a substitute for more detailed assessments of body density and / or osteoporosis.)


Muscles play an important role as they act as the body's engine in consuming energy (calories). As you exercise more, your muscle mass increase, which in turn accelerates the rate of energy or calories consumed. Increasing your muscle mass will raise your metabolic rate helping you reduce excess body fat levels and lose weight the healthy way.
Your Tanita Body Composition Monitor will measure the weight of muscle in your body so you can easily see the rewards of your increased activity or exercise plan. You may also find that as you exercise more your weight may stabilise or even increase as your muscle mass grows and your body fat decreases.

Body Water rating

Total Body Water %
Approximately 50 - 65% of the weight of a healthy person is water. It plays a vital role in helping you to stay healthy by:

Regulating body temperature
Removing waste from the body
Carrying nutrients, oxygen, enzymes, hormones and glucose to the cells
Carrying away toxins and metabolic waste from the cells for elimination
Cushioning joints and strengthening muscles
Providing natural moisture to skin and other tissues

You continually lose water during the day through sweat, urine and breathing. The amount of water you lose depends on factors such as physical activity and climatic conditions. Other factors affecting your body water level include illness, medications, hormone changes and poor nutrition.

Thirst is not the best indicator of dehydration, as the thirst mechanism only kicks in when you are already mildly dehydrated. Early symptoms of dehydration may include decreased energy or fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

Other symptoms are:

Dark coloured urine, which may have an odour, and/or infrequent urination
Dry lips, mouth, skin
Increased body temperature
Finding the right balance of water intake will ensure your body functions efficiently, will make you feel healthier and more alert and will reduce the risk of serious health problems. Being properly hydrated will also ensure you are performing at your best, allowing you to exercise longer. The new Total Body Water Percentage feature on selected Tanita Body Fat Monitors will help you to remain within the healthy total body water ranges.

Healthy Total Body Water Percentage (TBW%)
The average total body water percentage ranges for a healthy adult are:

Female: 45 - 60%
Male: 50 - 65%
For Athletes, the figure is approximately 5% above these averages, as they will have greater muscle mass. Skeletal muscle contains more water than fat (adipose) tissue.

To date there are no validated standards for overweight/obese people, although the total body water percentage will fall below the average healthy ranges. The amount will vary depending on the degree of excess body fat.

How Body Fat and Total Body Water Readings Change
As your total body water level changes naturally throughout the day, this may affect your body fat percentage readings. First thing in the morning you will be dehydrated and the fluid in your body will be stored in the central trunk area. As the day progresses, this fluid becomes more evenly distributed and, of course, eating and drinking will also affect your total body water level. So even though your actual body fat mass will not change during the day, your body fat percentage will, as your total body water changes. Your body fat reading could vary by as much as 3-4% in a 24-hour period.

Consistency is the key to using your Body Fat Monitor. The best time is in the early evening, before your meal, when hydration levels are more stable. This increases the accuracy of the readings. If you are unable to use your Body Fat Monitor as this time, pick a time that's convenient for you and stick to it. Take your readings at the same time and under the same conditions each day.

(Source: Tea Drinking and Fluid Balance: A Review. Maughan and Griffin, 2001)

Tanita Body Fat Monitors with Total Body Water %
HomeTanita ProductsWhat Are You Made Of?
Body Fat & Visceral FatBody WaterMusclesBoneYour MetabolismCalorie IntakeYour PhysiqueAthletic BodiesA Note For WomenHealthy LivingUsing your monitorUser ReviewsIn the mediaNeed More Info?Contact

Visceral Fat Rating

Why do I need to monitor my body fat?

We all need some body fat to be healthy. It's vital for basic body functions like regulating body temperature, storing vitamins and cushioning joints and organs.

But too much fat can damage your health and could put you at greater risk of developing serious medical conditions. Excess body fat is known to contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes mellitus and some forms of cancer.*

Visceral Fat (Abdominal Fat) is the fat that surrounds the vital organs on the trunk / stomach area of the body. High Visceral Fat levels increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Lowering Visceral Fat levels can stabilise insulin action substantially, and reduce the risk of diabetes and other related illnesses.*2

Body fat is not always visible to the naked eye. You may have an acceptable weight and figure, but could still be carrying more body fat than you think.

Weight alone cannot distinguish between the pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body tissue, such as muscle and bone. By using a Tanita Body Fat / Body Composition Monitor, you can keep a regular check on your body fat levels, helping you stay within the healthy ranges.

Reducing excess body fat will help you improve your body shape and appearance. You'll feel better, look better and enjoy a better, fitter quality of life.

* (Source: National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute - Clinical Guidelines.)
*2 (This is an estimate of your visceral fat mass based on your measured body size and composition)

How much body fat is healthy?
Your Tanita Monitor will automatically compare your personal body fat reading to the Healthy Body Fat Range chart below.

Based on NIH/WHO BMI guidelines. As reported by Gallagher et al at NY Obesity Research Center.

How much body fat is healthy for children?
Following the latest medical research you are now able to monitor your child's body fat percentage and encourage them to stay within the healthy body fat range as they develop. As a parent you will already be aware of your child's health and general wellbeing. By also using a Tanita Monitor you can have even greater confidence that your family is leading a healthier lifestyle.

Jebb S, McCarthy D, Fry T, Prentice AM (2004). New body fat reference curves for children. Obesity Reviews (NAASO Suppl) A156

What is Visceral Fat?
Visceral Fat (Abdominal Fat) is the fat that surrounds the vital organs on the trunk / stomach area of the body. For a quick easy explanation - try tensing your tummy muscles, then pinch the fat by your belly button. What you can pinch is subcutaneous fat (under the skin) it is not visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat you can't pinch - it is on the inside of your muscle wall. Typically this type of fat is most often found in high levels in middle aged men (often mistakenly referred to as a beer belly). Men have a genetic predisposition to accumulating fat in this way, whereas women are more likely to store fat subcutaneously. (Subcutaneous fat has been shown to be associated with the nutrition required by a developing foetus, and for breast feeding). High Visceral Fat levels increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Lowering Visceral Fat levels can stabilise insulin action substantially, and reduce the risk of diabetes and other related illnesses.

Healthy Visceral Fat Levels Chart
Your Tanita Body Composition Monitor will assess your visceral fat level into the following categories :

Low Risk Higher Risk
1 - 12 13 - 59




  耶鲁大学全球变暖预防中心的研究员给全球变暖算了笔账,说如果把全球的温室气体总数算作420亿吨,其中14 0亿吨就来自食品。以英国为例,超重和肥胖人口占总人口的40%,因此他们就会造成18%的食品消费增长。也就是说,英国的肥胖人群每年会给世界增加16.1亿吨温室气体。














Visceral fat 内脏脂肪

Visceral fat is different from other body fat. Visceral fat, also called intra-abdominal fat, refers to the fat that surrounds the internal organs. Subcutaneous fat, on the other hand, is body fat that is close to the skin's surface and is considered less dangerous, and easier to lose, than visceral fat.

Studies have shown that those with visceral fat are more susceptible to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension. Sedentary people, smokers and drinkers have been shown to have more intra-abdominal fat, or visceral fat, than active people who are non-smokers and non-drinkers. Stress may also be a factor in the storage of visceral fat on the body.

Visceral fat is harder to lose than subcutaneous fat because it is more deeply embedded in the body's tissues. Visceral fat is only measured accurately by an imaging machine that can see how much of the abdomen is made up of visceral fat. A person may be within a healthy weight range, but still have too much intra-abdominal fat around the internal organs.

The liver metabolizes visceral fat and releases it into the bloodstream as cholesterol. Harmful, or "bad" cholesterol, which is Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), builds up into a plaque that blocks the arteries. Losing weight through proper diet and effective exercise can help reduce visceral fat. How much fat a person eats does matter as studies have shown that those who eat 30% or more of their diets as fat usually have high amounts of visceral fat.

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Walking is considered by many health and fitness experts to be a much better way of helping to control visceral fat than by doing exercises such as swimming where gravity keeps the body afloat. Walking at a fairly fast pace for a half an hour six days a week has been shown to help reduce visceral fat, while walking only three days a week has not been shown to have much affect on the reduction of visceral fat. However, doing no exercise at all has shown to increase the amount of visceral fat in the body.

内脏脂肪  什么是内脏脂肪?   内脏脂肪是人体脂肪中的一种,与皮下脂肪(也就是我们平时所了解的身体上可以摸得到的“肥肉”) 不同,它围绕着人的脏器,主要存在于腹腔内。   内脏脂肪的危害   过多堆积的脂肪转移到肝脏、骨骼肌、心脏的其它组织,不仅导致脂肪毒性、损伤内脏功能,更会引起心血管疾病、动脉硬化、糖尿病等。专家指出:男性腰围>90厘米,女性腰围>85厘米都是典型的“内脏脂肪型”肥胖。医学谚语里说的“腰围长,寿命短”就是这样的道理。   世界卫生组织在对全球各个国家肥胖人群进行减肥观念普查报告中指出,91%关心家人健康的女性急于帮助家人或者自己减掉可怕的脂肪但减脂的过程中,只注重减掉“皮下脂肪”,而忽略“内脏脂肪”。   减去内脏脂肪是健康减肥的根本   内脏脂肪过多是身体代谢紊乱的表现,长期内脏脂肪会导致高血脂、心脑血管疾病、身体器官机能下降等并发症,现代社会很多内脏脂肪多的人表面看起来可能是体型肥胖,但也很有可能是体型偏瘦,特别是上班族和中老年,很多都需要给自己的内脏脂肪“减减肥”!   科研发现,内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪存在并发的关系,内脏脂肪很容易引发皮下脂肪增多,这就是为什么很多肥胖人群通过减肥药剂等多种形式进行减肥,最后很容易反弹的根本原因,内脏脂肪不减,只减皮下脂肪相当于治标不治本,也是不健康的减肥方式。   健康减去内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪的方法   1、多做有氧运动,多加锻炼身体,每次运动至少要45分钟。   2、适当摄入一些能够减去内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪的物质:例如L-阿拉伯糖、膳食纤维、水果纤维、L-肉碱等。   3、千万不要尝试减肥药剂或者生物酸等,否则会破坏身体代谢,损伤肌肤组织。

Monday 19 September 2011

月经前候群综合症(Premenstrual symptoms)


女性的身体、卵胞荷尔蒙的分泌增加了“卵泡期”,排卵夹卵胞荷尔蒙相对的减少但是黄体酮的分泌却增加了“黄体期”,并以“月经”的节奏重复着。其中在黄体期的月经前综合候群症、主要原因是黄体酮的体内水分量的增加。也就是说,由于激素的活动频繁,导致着各种各样的不愉快的症状发生着。在每天早上测定基础体温制定类似的“基础体温表”,这样就能在这个时期知道自己的身体状况,是变好还是变差。女性的身体,在生理期开始的前3日—10天左右,就会开始有各种各样的不愉快的症状,这是非常的让人伤脑筋的事情。这种症状称为 “月经前候群综合症(PMS)”。症状有各种各样,腹部的疼痛、乳房的胀满感、便秘和腹泻、头疼、失眠和睡意、脸和手脚的浮肿、容易疲劳、烦躁、忧郁、生气等症状,从身体上的症状到精神上的症状,其症状实在是非常的广泛。月经前候群综合症这样的周期性症状是很折磨人的。

Tuesday 13 September 2011


左旋肉碱粉末左旋肉碱 (L-carnitine),又称L-肉碱或音译卡尼丁,是一种促使脂肪转化为能量的类氨基酸,红色肉类是 左旋肉碱的主要来源,对人体无毒副作用。不同类型的日常饮食已经含有5-100毫克的左旋肉碱,但一般人每天只能从膳食中摄入50毫克,素食者摄入更少。左旋肉碱的主要生理功能是促进 脂肪转化成能量,服用左旋肉碱能够在减少身体脂肪、降低体重的同时,不减少水分和肌肉,在2003年被国际肥胖健康组织认定为最安全无副作用的减肥营养补充品。


不必泄气沮丧,白雪公主不单只是存在童话世界里,来自法国配方的Snow White产品,可以让现实生活中的你,成为拥有雪白肌肤美丽动人的白雪公主。所谓一白遮三丑,雪白肌肤已经成为了大家所追崇的目标。全天然成分的Snow White,采用了崭新独创的Snow White 生产技术。Snow White生产技术将所萃取天然的活性成分解成分子大小,让人体更容易吸收,以达到最佳效果。
Snow White生产技术的显著功效

为何选择Snow White
使用突破性的Snow White生产技术

Snow White的成分及功效
丝质氨基酸是由蚕丝的原理制造,当中包含了18种氨基酸中的元素,包括了L -丙氨酸,L-丝氨酸以及超过80%以上的甘氨酸。它也是一种可溶性蛋白质,有助于肌肤重建。这将改善您的皮肤纹理,并让肌肤犹真丝般的感觉。丝质氨基酸很容易被深层皮肤吸收,在保护肌肤方面扮演着重要的角色。
Sakami W, Harrington H (1963). "Amino acid metabolism".Annual Review of Biochemistry 32 (1): 355–98.doi:10.1146/
Young VR (August 1994). "Adult amino acid requirements: the case for a major revision in current recommendations".The Journal of Nutrition 124 (8 Suppl): 1517S–1523S.

Henkel, John (May, 2000). "Soy: Health Claims for Soy Protein, Questions About Other Components". FDA Consumer

Houck, J. C.; Sharma, V. K.; Patel, Y. M.; Gladner, J. A. (1968). "Induction of Collagenolytic and Proteolytic Activities by AntiInflammatory Drugs in the Skin and Fibroblasts".Biochemical Pharmacology 17 (10): 2081–2090.doi:10.1016/0006-2952(68)90182-2.
Blow, Nathan (2009). "Cell culture: building a better matrix".Nature Methods 6 (8): 619–622. doi:10.1038/nmeth0809-619


Averbeck M et al. (2007) Differential regulation of hyaluronan metabolism in the epidermal and dermal compartments of human skin by UVB irradiation. J Invest Dermatol 127:687-697.

Co Q 10
辅酶Q10是一种脂溶性抗氧化剂,辅酶Q10是人类生命不可缺少的重要元素之一,能激活人体细胞和细胞能量的营养,具有提高人体免疫力、增强抗氧化、延缓衰老和增强人体活力等功能。CO Q10在对抗老化、减少皱纹、恢复肌肤光泽弹性、美白等方面具有独到的效果。并能有效补充细胞能量、修复自由基对细胞造成的损伤、保护脆弱肌肤,同时对促进细胞代谢功能、有效抑制黑色素、改善暗沉肌肤等有一定效果。

Koryagin, A. S.; Krylova, E. V.; Luk'yanova, L. D. (2002). "Effect of ubiquinone-10 on the blood system in rats exposed to radiation". Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 133 (6): 562–564. doi:10.1023/A:1020225623808
Michael B. Schachter M.D., (1996) “Coenzyme Q10”

LovroŽiberna,corresponding author MojcaLunder, ŠpelaMože, AndrejaVanzo, and GorazdDrevenšek (2009). Cardioprotective effects of bilberry extract

当地称为生命树,生长在巴西亚马逊热带雨林。巴西莓含的抗氧化成分较蓝莓多一倍,亦含有水果中极少有的脂肪酸, 还有纤维、钙及其他维他命。超强抗氧化, 最显著是面部皮肤得到明显改善,可使我们由内到外保持年轻。巴西莓中的脂肪酸和花青素能促进细胞膜之间的流动性,促进营养吸收和废物的排除,通过保持皮肤细胞的水润和强韧来让你的皮肤变得年轻、光滑和紧实。
Schauss A.G., Wu X., Prior R.L., Ou B., Huang D., Owens J., Agarwal A., Jensen G.S., Hart A.N., Shanbrom E. (2006). "Antioxidant capacity and other bioactivities of the freeze-dried amazonian palm berry, Euterpeoleraceae Mart. (acai)". J Agric Food Chem 54 (22): 8604–10.doi:10.1021/jf0609779

L-Glutathione 具有的广谱解毒作用,具有延缓衰老、增强免疫力、抗肿瘤等功能,L-Glutathione是一种最有效的抗氧化剂,保护细胞免受自由基的伤害。L-Glutathione 有美白皮肤效果,且无任何副作用。每天服L-Glutathione,不仅能提升您的免疫力,而且还能美白皮肤延缓衰老!L-谷胱甘肽也是非常重要的解毒剂,除去体内的毒素、污染物。

Scholz RW. Graham KS.Gumpricht E. Reddy CC. Mechanism of interaction of vitamin E and glutathione in the protection against membrane lipid peroxidation. Ann NY AcadSci 1989:570:514-7. Hughes RE. Reduction of dehydroascorbic acid by animal tissues.Nature 1964:203:1068-9.

成分:丝质氨基酸、大豆胎盘、大豆胶原蛋白、透明质酸、Co Q 10、欧洲越橘、巴西莓果、L-谷胱甘肽

Charm Secret

Charm SecretTM





促进女性荷尔蒙天然营养品——Charm Secret™

如果您渴望拥有容光焕发的年轻肌肤及促进体内荷尔蒙的平衡,Charm Secret™的纯天然成分配方,能有效地帮助您抵御皮肤老化、皮肤干燥及荷尔蒙失调的现象。Charm Secret™的四种最主要的成分包含了野山草莓及三个种类的欧洲越橘,这四种天然植物蕴含了许多的天然有益成分,丰富的抗氧化物。

Charm Secret™不仅包含了四种以上天然浆果精华,也包含了其他天然有机成分例如野山药和泰国野葛根等等天然植物成份,更采用日本独创的高科技生物食品技术—— Hyper Berie®的纯天然植物配方,除了能迎合亚洲女性的生理需求,也有助女性美化柔嫩肌肤,维持荷尔蒙正常水平,并达到健康丰胸的显著效果。

另一方面,Hyper Berie®纯天然植物配方也包含雌激素物质及异黄酮,更获得科学家及营养专家的反复实验证实,比人体制造的雌激素有多2倍的效果。除此之外,Hyper Berie®天然植物配方也促进女性体内黄体酮,这是一种帮助制造荷尔蒙的重要的物质,它能够融入全身循环系统,被人体轻易的吸收及储存在细胞内帮助荷尔蒙所需的平衡。

此外, Hyper Berie®天然植物配方还有植物雌激素,植物雌激素能够有效的刺激女性荷尔蒙的分泌,使下垂的胸部再次坚挺,臀部收紧。这种物质能够刺激细胞产生张力而不是细胞增生,细胞持续维持张力能够使胸部维持坚挺及原来的大小。

Charm Secret™不会造成任何的副作用或复胖的问题,皆因它不含碳水化合物,尤其Hyper Berie®纯天然植物配方也通过先进的纳米技术,让超微分子的“丰胸素”和“全营养素”能够让人体更容易吸收营养,加速全身的新陈代谢,提高胸部吸收能力,从而赋予细胞全新的活力!

日本研发的Hyper Berie®技术的好处:
• 是步入老化及更年期的女性的年轻泉源
• 迎合女性生理的营养需求,保持女性魅力。
• 促进乳腺发达及乳脂肪增加
• 使肌肤变得年轻、晶莹剔透更加容光焕发
• 使肌肤变得柔滑,减少毛孔
• 滋润肌肤,促进皮肤的再生能力
• 增强肌肤弹性光泽,防止下垂和皱纹生成
• 淡化雀斑、色斑及黑斑
• 让秀发再度变得乌黑亮丽,促进头发生长
• 帮助调理经期,舒缓经痛,有效地改善更年期的不适症状
• 有助减轻失眠与荷尔蒙失调
• 可预防骨质疏松症、前列腺癌、及其他因荷尔蒙失调而引发的癌症
• 促进皮肤细胞愈合和新陈代谢,祛除疤痕、皮肤褶皱等各种纹疤

Charm Secret™的五大显著效果:
调理荷尔蒙 + 再现胸部绽放丰满充盈活力


• 野山药精华里蕴含丰富的天然雌激素、是促使乳房发育的重要元素
• 它被世界各地广泛的使用来作为促进性欲的纯天然刺激物
• 它有助于维持妇女生殖系统的健康,例如舒缓经期前症候群、更年期的不适症状、腹部痉挛、经痛及荷尔蒙失调

• 一种身体荷尔蒙的替代品,有助减缓人体老化
• 它含有的丰富植物雌激素,也是一种存在于女性体内的荷尔蒙,能够帮助减少骨质疏松症的发生和有助胸部发育增大。
• 泰国的朱拉隆功大学医学研究报告显示,野葛根能够让乳房尺寸增大达80%
• 增强血液循环,并有效的把天然雌激素传输到乳房细胞
• 植物雌激素的重要成分将有效且天然的减缓因老化而带来的症状如胸部下垂、皱纹肌肤、白发及骨质密度减少等现象

• 使乳房坚挺的效果源自于植物雌激素,它除了激活肌肤各个功能,更促进乳房细胞的健康生长。
• 增强甲状腺的正常运作,正常的新陈代谢,刺激食欲及帮助消化
• 帮助头发毛囊滋生,维持分泌系统平衡,保持女性魅力,它也被用作天然的补品

• 促进女性乳房细胞健康增长
• 使乳房恢复弹性、坚挺及增大原有的体积
• 减少乳房下垂的现象,促进乳房的丰挺效果持久稳定。
• 植物雌激素使脂肪转移并积骤在乳房,增大乳房体积
• 减低患上乳癌、子宫颈癌及前列腺癌的机率

减缓老化现象 + 高抗氧化物 + 润湿皮肤

• 有效帮助刺激胶原蛋白质,促进牙齿及牙龈和血管的健康
• 支持皮肤、骨骼及韧带的细胞的重要元素
• 有效抑制黑色素的形成,从而减少因接触紫外线UVA与UVB而产生的黑斑及雀斑
• 维持体内胶原蛋白质,从而减少皱纹(胶原蛋白质的流失也是导致皱纹及老化的主因)
• 减少粉刺及瑕疵的产生,它有效的减少毛孔扩大,从而改善肤质
• 刺激皮肤的再生循环,让肌肤更加富有光泽,容光焕发,看起来比以前更加柔滑、细腻及白皙

• 它蕴含的十八种氨基酸能够有效的抑制黑色素的形成,改善肤质,加速皮肤细胞再生及修复伤口
• 蚕丝蛋白能够帮助新陈代谢及酶素的生长,有助保持皮肤的湿度,以避免皮肤受紫外线的侵害
• 帮助新生皮肤细胞的生长,延缓老化现象
• 长期使用后,您会发现您的肌肤变得更加白皙柔滑,发质也改善许多


为什么选择Charm Secret™?
• 适合素食者食用 - 它完全不含任何动物原料成分,采用全天然植物药草作为原料
• 品质保证 - 一级的产品品质管理,确保所有原料及制成品通过最严格的技术及卫生检验
• HACCP - 国际卫生品质管理署颁发的许可证,所有产品经过最严格的品质管理
• GMP - 国际制造及标准卫生署颁发的许可证,所有制造产品的过程通过国际制造水准认可

• 日本研发的Hyper Berie®技术加工让Charm Secret™能够更容易被人体的细胞所吸收,以达到最佳效果。产品不含碳水化合物,不会致胖。它所含的纳米级超微分子让人体细胞更易吸收植物雌激素,从根本上调节内分泌达致平衡。

3) 纯有机成分的天然功效
• 由美国有机食品食物卫生署(USDA)批准认可
• 澳洲有机食品管理局认可
• 日本研发的Hyper Berie®先进技术




Charm SecretTM
Hormone balancing • Breast enhancement • Youthful appearance •
Deep hydration • Glowing

Hormone imbalance and aging problem
A very challenging phrase of a woman’s life begins after her mid-twenties, especially when it comes to skin aging. As you get older, hormone levels will drop off causing a decline in the body's ability to repair itself and to keep functioning in top form.
If you are one of the women who are approaching or at your menopausal years, then you are quite likely to experience a 90% decrease in estrogen as well as a 66% decrease in progesterone.
This sudden depletion or decline in hormones can lead to quite a number of disturbing symptoms and signs such as hot flashes, mood disturbances, and headaches as well as aging of the skin and hair.
A decreased level of estrogen can lead to a fall in collagen synthesis within the dermis. The decline of collagen synthesis does not only happen during menopausal years.
This aging process actually starts after your mid-twenties, in a gradual way. All this means one needs to find a stimuli to promote the synthesis of new, healthy collagen. Otherwise, you will find yourself ending up with wrinkles, fine lines and other signs associated with aging skin sooner or later.

Introducing Charm Secret & Hyper Berie® technology
If your goal is to have young and radiant looking complexion with balanced hormones, Charm Secret™ which contains all natural ingredients can help you prevent skin aging, skin dryness and hormones imbalance.
There are 4 well-known super fruits that we use as our main ingredients in Charm Secret™, which are strawberries, billberries, cranberries and lingonberries. These super fruits are fruits that have high nutritional value, high antioxidant property, and high consumer appeal.
Charm Secret™ consists of not just berries but other organic ingredients such as wild yam and pueraria mirifica, produced under Japan’s advanced and sophisticated technology and we name it Hyper Berie® technology. It has a fantastically great result for skin beautification, hormone balancing and breast enlargement.
Hyper Berie® contains estrogenic substance, miroestrol, which has been proven to be 2 times more effective than human estrogen. Hyper Berie® also contains diosgenin, a popular source of natural progesterone that can travel along the circulatory system and be absorbed and stored in tissues to help in hormone balancing.
Hyper Berie® also contains phytoestrogen and miroestrogen which can effectively stimulate female characteristics such as breast and hip enlargements. These two substances will induce cell turgidity, not cell proliferation. The enlargement process will continue to a responding level before termination and the process will be replaced by breast firming action and the maintenance of breast size.

Charm Secret™ would not cause any weight gain due to its BIOIDENTIFY system which contains no carbohydrate but just nano size phyto-estrogen; and JAPAN Hyper Berie® technology facilitates easy and better absorption into the body cells.

Benefits of Hyper Berie® Technology:
• Fountain of youth for aging women
• Maintains female sex characteristics
• Stimulates breast enlargement and firms breast
• Promotes younger, translucent and radiant looking complexion
• Smoothens skin and reduces open pores
• Hydrates skin and enhances skin renewal process
• Increases skin elasticity and reduces sagging
• Lightens up freckles, pigmentation and dark spots
• Darkens gray hair and increases hair growth
• Regulates menstrual cycle, eases menstrual pain and alleviates menopausal symptoms
• Alleviates sleep disorders
• Prevents osteoporosis, prostate cancer and cancers associated with imbalanced hormones
• Improves healing and reduces scarring

Charm Secret top 5 efficacious effects
Hormones Balancing + Breast Enhancement

Wild Yam
• The phyto-estrogen in wild yam plays a significant role in stimulating breast growth.
• It is widely used as a sexual stimulant.
• It is beneficial to women’s reproductive health, including premenstrual syndrome(PMS), menopausal discomfort, cramping and hormone problems.

Komesaroff PA, Black CV, Cable V, Sudhir K. Effects of wild yam extract on menopausal symptoms, lipids and sex hormones in healthy menopausal women. Climacteric. 2001;4(2):144-150.

Pueraria mirifica
• It is anti-aging and acts as a hormone substituent
• It provides high levels of phyto-estrogen, of which the properties is similar to estrogen - a hormone normally exists in women’s body to defy against the reduction of bone density and to increase the volume of breast.
• Scientists of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand asserted that a sort of Pueraria Mirifica could increase the volume of breast up to 80%.
• It maximizes blood flow and distribution of estrogen throughout breast tissues.

• Its phyto-estrogen constituents will naturally alleviate symptoms occurring as a result of the aging process and a deficiency in estrogen level, e.g., sagging breasts, wrinkled skin, reduced bone density, gray hair, etc.
In 1932 Dr. A.F.G. Kerr, the Director of the Botanical Section of the Journal of the Siam Society, the first to create international awareness of the rejuvenating qualities of this plant, which subsequently led to the isolation of a potent phyto-estrogen that is unique to this plant only and to the identification of the plant as Pueraria Mirifica in 1952.

Saw palmetto
• Its breast enhancing effect stems from phyto-nutrients which help to stimulate the growth of breast tissues hence increasing the breast size.
• It strengthens the function of thyroid gland, balances metabolism, stimulates appetite and aids digestion.
• It helps in hair restoration, prostate health and sexual vigor. It is also used as a nutritive tonic.
Saw palmetto is recommended today for breast enlargement by naturopathic. Native Americans, dating back to pre-Mayan civilizations, used its berries as food and medicine, particularly for breast disorders in women.

Milk thistle
• It expands the total cellular substructure of the female breast
• It provides a great support for fuller and firmer breast by restoring its volume and tone
• It decreases the real appearance of sagging breast
• Phyto-estrogens cause the fatty tissues to accumulate in breast
• It reduces the growth of cancer cells in breast, cervical and prostate cancers.

Asghar Z, Masood Z. Evaluation of antioxidant properties of silymarin and its potential to inhibit peroxyl radicals in vitro. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2008 Jul;21(3):249-54

Anti-aging + Antioxidant + Skin Hydration

Berries (cranberries, bilberries, strawberries, lingonberries)

 It helps in the production and formation of collagen, which holds the cells together and also promotes healthy teeth, gum and blood vessels.
 It is also the supporting tissues of your skin, bones n, ligaments and etc.
 It restrains the production of melanin; it reduces the pigment changes caused by contact with UV-A and UV-B.
 It lessens wrinkles and fine lines (the disorganization and loss of collagen is part of the aging procedure, which leads to wrinkled and saggy skin)
 It lessens the growth of acne blemishes; it lessens the pore size and enhances the skin texture.
 It promotes skin rejuvenation. It has been proven to be able to brighten and lighten the skin complexion for a radiant and glowing appearance. Your skin will surely look smoother, suppler and fairer.
Pedersen CB, Kyle J, Jenkinson AM, et al. Effects of blueberry and cranberry juice consumption on the plasma antioxidant capacity of healthy female volunteers. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2000;54(5):405-408.
Laplaud PM, Lelubre A, Chapman MJ. Antioxidant action of bilberry extract on human low density lipoproteins in vitro: initial observations. Fundam Clin Pharmacol. 1997;11(1):35-40.

Silk peptide
• With 18 kinds of amino acids, it can inhibit the formation of melanin, act as a natural moisturizer, improve skin texture, and promote skin regeneration and wound healing.
• Due to its action in the enzyme metabolism, silk peptide can retain and adjust skin moisture level and also protect skin from ultraviolet radiation
• Generates new skin cells to defy against aging process
• After long-term usage, you will experience fairer and smoother skin and also improved hair quality.

Conformational energy studies of beta-sheets of model silk fibroin peptides. I. Sheets of poly(Ala-Gly) chains.
Fossey SA, Némethy G, Gibson KD, Scheraga HA.
Baker Laboratory of Chemistry, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853-1301.

Why you should go for Charm Secret?

1. Well defined safety profile
- Consumable for Vegetarians – non animal-based and consists of all natural herbal ingredients
- Quality assurance – in-house quality control to ensure raw materials and finished products meet strict standards and pass QA tests.
HACCP – A food safety management system Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
GMP – Product manufactured under quality control and Good Manufacturing Practice

2. A longer lasting effect
- Thanks to JAPAN Hyper Berie® technology which facilitates higher absorption into the body cells, the effect of Charm Secret™ can last even longer in our body. Besides it won’t cause any weight gain due to its BIOIDENTIFY system which contains no carbohydrate but just nano size phyto-estrogen.
3. Natural and immediate result
- Approved by Australian Bureau bio-organic
- The most advanced reseach and development technology - Japan Hyper Berie® technology

Serving size : 15 sachets per box, 15gm per sachet
Preparation : Mix 1 sachet with 150ml room temperature water and stirl well.
Take 1 sachet daily before bedtime.
Precaution : Consume 15 minutes before dinner if you have the problem
of gastric, stomach flatulence and others.
Storage : Keep in cool and dry place.

Soy powder, strawberry powder, bilberry powder, cranberry powder, lingonberry powder, wild yam, pueraria mirifica, saw palmetto, milk thistle, licorice, silk peptide

Hot Chocolate

打造S型身段 全攻略

热巧克力+ 左旋肉碱+ 芦荟 +白芸豆 = 溶脂+ 燃脂+ 排油
无需运动 / 无需打针 / 无需节食 / 绝无副作用 / 永不反弹配方




6. 取自于白芸豆其所含的醣蛋白,会与醣类分子形成复合物,因而阻断醣类消化酵素的作用,故能有效的抑制醣类吸收,减少热量的摄取,而达到减肥的效果。


- 1985 年芝加哥国际营养学术会议—左旋肉碱是“多功能营养品”
- 1993年美国食品药品监督局(FDA)-“公认安全无毒”。
- 1994年德国卫生部—左旋肉碱使用量无需规定上限。
- 1997年中国卫生部科教部发13号文件认定左旋肉碱为安全营养强化剂。
安全性很高 • 自动助减肥 • 本质营养素 • 胖人最缺乏 • 运动员最爱 • 素食者最爱






New weight-loss product – S’ Hot Chocolate, the miracle drink to create S-posture in just 30 days!!!

The perfect weight-loss equation:
Hot chocolate + L-carnitine + Aloe vera + White kidney bean = Fat burning
NO exercise / NO injection / NO diet / NO side effects
Consume for 1 day and feel its difference...
It uses pure cocoa powder formulation that will not cause any diarrhea symptoms. Within 2 to 4 hours, your body will begin detoxification process and start to burn fat. It will be an amazing experience you could ever felt in your life!
Consume for 10 days and less 1 to 3kg...
Your body fat and toxins will be discharged massively, while the intestinal absorption of calories can be controlled effectively. Your body will start building up a balance mechanism and resulting in weight-loss according to individual body type. At this stage, one’s body weight can be reduced by 1 to 3kg.

Consume for 20 days and less 3 to 5kg...
Your body will continue in burning fat quickly and reducing your weight by 3 to 6kg. At the same time, the balance of calories in your body will reach an equilibrium state.

Consume for 30 days and less 4 to 6kg…
At this stage, moderate obesity was reduced to the standard user weight, while the regular mechanism for any intake and consumption of calories has been completely formed,

Why do you need S’ Hot Chocolate as your weight-loss companion?
1. You will be captivated by its luscious cocoa taste!
2. Easy to prepare with hot water only.
3. With latest nano technology, it can be more efficient in burning fat and calories, while promoting metabolism. Surprise yourself in a positive way with no side effects!
4. The addition of L-carnitine can promote decomposition of fatty acid via mitochondrial. L-carnitine is able to boost up your metabolism and resulting in natural weight-loss.
5. Aloe vera components can treat colitis, ulcers and acute intestinal inflammation. The ingredients can also promote the emission of pepsin, which can help the stomach to digest food properly. In addition, Aloe vera active factor can promote fat burning and inhibit the intestinal absorption of dietary; while the activity of aloe emodin and alkaline can play the role of catharsis as an effective secondary prevention of fat accumulation.
6. Extracted from white kidney bean, glycoprotein can block the enzyme's role in carbohydrate digestion. By then, it can effectively inhibit carbohydrate absorption and reduce calories intake in order to achieve weight-loss effect., most people slim down 4 to 5kg and their body fat rate had reduced 11%.
What is L-Carnitine?
L-Carnitine is internationally recognised as “vitamin” used for fat burning without any side effects.
1985: Chicago International Conference on Nutrient – L-carnitine is a “multi-functional” food.
1993: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – It is recognised as safe and non-toxic.
1994: German Federal Ministry of Health – L-carnitine is safe to be used in any amount or quantity.
1997: China Ministry of Health and Ministry of Science and Education Division had identified L-carnitineas a safe nutrient supplement.
High safety • Help to lose weight • Essential nutrients • Suitable for obesity • Athletes’ favourite • Vegetarians’ lover

Product: Slimming Beverage – S’ Hot Chocolate
Main ingredients:
White kidney bean extract is an active compound derived from white kidney bean which is native to Peru. It is a starch neutralizer which specifically and temporarily inhibits the digestive enzyme alpha amylase. Alpha-amylase is responsible for breaking down starch to simple sugars that are absorbed in the small intestine. Hence by inhibiting alpha amylase, quantity of carbohydrate broken down into glucose will be reduced.

L-Carnitine is made in the body from amino acids lysine and methionine. It is produced by body in the liver and kidney, stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain etc. It works to increase the use of fat as an energy source by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, where they are burned to release energy for body functions.

Aloe Vera contains various nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids etc. It has been widely used for its enhancement of normal gastrointestinal function and ease constipation.

Fructose Oligo-Saccharides (FOS) refers to a class of non-digestible carbohydrates or sugars that occur naturally in a wide variety of foods throughout the plant kingdom. It acts as a non-digestible fiber in the diet which is used by the good intestinal bacteria for growth and multiplication. FOS increases the amount of beneficial bacteria, and thus improves in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, detoxification and elimination processes, and in the immune system.

Main functions:
1. Neutralize starch and block sugar absorption
Inhibit the enzyme alpha-amylase which breakdown starch into sugar for absorption in the small intestine Allow body to absorb less calorie intake

2. Enhance the consumption of fat as a source of energy
Promote fat burning
Increase energy level

3. Enable detoxification and bowel movement
Cleanse the body by eliminating the metabolite wastes
Filter and remove harmful toxins from the intestinal tract

4. Promote healthy weight loss
Block excess glucose absorption, increase fat metabolism, and provide various nutrients

Why you need to consume S’ hot chocolate as your weight loss product?
- Nano technology applied to ensure optimum absorption of S’ hot chocolate into our body cell, it brings more effective slimming effect than others slimming beverage.
- It burns calorie and fat inside our body, meanwhile it rise up body metabolism of our body. Thus the existing of L-Carnitine decomposes fat faster by transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria.
- It strictly control daily calorie intake by our body, drink it twice can boost up slimming effect in our body.
- Aloe Vera helps to filter and remove harmful toxins from our intestinal tract, it increase absorption of S’ hot chocolate by our body too. Takes it daily brings eternal beauty inside out.

Mix one sachet with 150ml lukewarm water, once a day before meal. For best result, take 2 sachets per day.
* Consume 15 minutes before dinner if you have any gastrointestinal problem.

Beauty Solution

Beauty Solution



如何防止在身体堆积毒素?是时候该为自己的优食负责任了。排毒是每天的必修课,所以慎选排毒产品是很重要的。推荐11种排毒性超强成份的Beauty Solution,让你一次过变身零毒素的时尚达人!

容量 :每盒15包,12克一包装


黑加仑含有丰富的营养价值,抗氧化,维生素, 脂肪酸和矿物质。黑加仑也含有莓子里的天然成分,花青素。它可用于治疗心血管疾病,预防心机能不全与血管阻塞,它可提高抵抗微血管易碎,减低血管压力。


玉米水溶性纤维(prebiotic fibre)它能帮助缓解偶然性的便秘,帮助维持健康的血清甘油三酸指数及降低血液中的胆固醇指数,这样就能降低心脏病的风险。除此之外,它还能减少餐后血糖和胰岛素的提升,维持正常人的水平。

芦荟 (Aloe) 对细胞组织的保护作用和受损细胞的赋活再生作用。除此之外,芦荟含有芦荟素、芦荟咪酊等有效成份起着增进食欲和大肠缓泻的作用,也具有健胃、缓泻、增强精力和健康的作用。芦荟能增强身体的抵抗力,抗炎及杀菌。

燕麦Avena sativa是一种优质的膳食纤维,低甜味、低热量、无异味,安定性高,能有效限制消化道内脂肪的吸收,促进类脂化合物的排泄,增加饱腹感,减少进食量,抑制增血糖素分泌,促使葡萄糖吸收减慢,从而降低餐后血糖水平,降低血脂,预防肥胖症。


• 偏头痛
• 大肚腩
• 下半身肥胖
• 腹胀
• 青春痘
• 皮肤暗淡无光
• 头发脱落
• 头皮屑
• 牛皮癣
• 容易疲倦
• 难以入睡
• 抵抗力下降
• 各种癌症
• 经痛

• 皮肤白皙动人
• 发质强化不再脱落
• 头皮屑问题解决了
• 改善失眠
• 改善酸性体质
• 皮肤恢复弹性
• 皮肤问题得到改善
• 延缓老化
• 容光焕发
• 完美身段

• 排毒
• 预防便秘
• 提高消化能力
• 促进大肠蠕动
• 增强免疫能力
• 抗氧化
• 预防癌症
• 增进血液循环
• 提供营养
• 促进新陈代谢
• 维持健康血压
• 降低血糖和胆固醇
• 预防发炎


1. 黑加仑粉
2. 洛神花粉
3. 棕油榈纤维
4. 燕麦纤维
5. 玉米可溶解纤维
6. 果寡糖
7. 苹果纤维
8. 螺旋藻
9. 芦荟粉
10. 疏菜粉
11. 瓜尔胶

黑加仑含有丰富的营养价值, 抗氧化, 维生素, 脂肪酸和矿物质. 黑加仑也含有莓子里的天然成分,花青素.它可用于治疗心血管疾病, 预防心机能不全与血管阻塞, 它可提高抵抗微血管易碎, 减低血管压力. 还有, 提高更年期血液循环, 清理血液毒素及胆固醇. 黑加仑还可帮助抗发炎与高抗氧化.

洛神花含有丰富的蛋白质、有机酸、维生素C、多种氨基酸、大量的天然色素及多种对人体有益的矿物质。研究报告显示洛神花主要功能是抗氧化. 花青素, 给予洛神花深红色素, 这代表着洛神花含有高抗氧化. 抗氧化主要功能是帮助降低某种癌症的风险. 此外, 它也含有维生素C, 钙质和铁质. 68名轻微高血压病患做临床实验, 证明洛神花有效降低血压. 维持血压健康水平是可预防心血管阻塞和心脏病.

玉米纤维(prebiotic fibre)它能帮助缓解偶然性的便秘,帮助维持健康的血清甘油三酸指数及降低血液中的胆固醇指数,这样就能降低心脏病的风险。除此之外,它还能减少餐后血糖和胰岛素的提升,维持正常人的水平。


油棕优越的营养品质使它成为大众食物的首选原料。维他命E在油棕里扮演抗氧化剂的功效,它在健康和食品工业中扮演抗老化和抗癌效用。油棕纤维容易被消化, 吸收和在新陈代谢过程中使用。它的好处于可以降低血液中胆固醇指数,维持正常的血糖支书,维持健康的消化系统,防止大肠癌。


燕麦Avena sativa是一种优质的膳食纤维,低甜味、低热量、无异味,安定性高,能有效限制消化道内脂肪的吸收,促进类脂化合物的排泄,增加饱腹感,减少进食量,抑制增血糖素分泌,促使葡萄糖吸收减慢,从而降低餐后血糖水平,降低血脂,预防肥胖症。此外,许多研究发现燕麦能够有效的降低血清胆固醇。

芦荟 (Aloe) 对细胞组织的保护作用和受损细胞的赋活再生作用。除此之外,芦荟含有芦荟素、芦荟咪酊等有效成份起着增进食欲和大肠缓泻的作用,也具有健胃、缓泻、增强精力和健康的作用。芦荟能增强身体的抵抗力,抗炎及杀菌。此外,它的功能也包括增强内脏功能、稳定和促进内分泌系统、强心、促进血液循环、软化血管、降低胆固醇值和扩张毛细血管。

螺旋藻(Spirulina)能提高淋巴细胞活性,增强人体免疫力,因此对胃肠疾病及肝病患者康复具有特殊意义。其中维生素及矿物质含量极为丰富,包括维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素B6、维生素B12、维生素E、维生素K, 维生素A, 维生素D等.

螺旋藻用于抗氧化, 抗菌, 帮助减肥和降低血脂与胆固醇. 螺旋藻还可以帮助提高免疫力以及减低敏感度.

瓜尔豆胶(Cyamposis tetragonolobus)能将肠道内的多余废物吸附在瓜尔胶分子上面,形成粪便排泄出体外。它能增加大便体积带走体内多余水分,从而达到减肥的目的。

疏菜低脂肪和卡路里, 是膳食纤维的主要来源, 还提供高能量. 这样可以帮助有效的控制体重. 高纤维, 低能量可帮助维持饱感, 避免摄取多余卡路里. 蔬菜含有很多维生素提供给人体足够的营养去提升肌肉细胞的能量. 这样可提供充沛的力量去帮助燃烧更多能量.

Beauty Solution容量:每盒15包,8克一包装

Beauty Solution
Contains 11 types of detoxifying agents
Cleanses your body and reduces your waist line

You might have heard a lot about detoxification. But do you truly know the benefits of detoxification and the adverse effects of having toxins built up in the body? The most obvious effects imposed by the accumulation of toxins are physical fatigue, dull skin complexion and bloated tummy. Exercising will help to detoxify but it wouldn’t help to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. The reason being that we are just discharging our cortex fat through perspiration system and there are still fats, wastes and toxic residues accumulating in our intestines and body organs.
Many human diseases are caused by the buildup of toxins in the body. Detoxification is a vital process according to health experts. Besides maintaining our personal hygiene and food hygiene, our body must be rid of harmful substances, wastes and excessive nutrients in order to stay healthy.
Detoxification is a necessary course in our daily life. You may ask how can we get rid of the accumulated toxins in our body? The answer lies in our Beauty Solution. It contains 11 types of detoxifying agents that would carry out the detoxifying process effectively. It will transform your life into a wonderful life. Feel the difference yourself today.

Serving size : 15 sachets per box, 12gm per sachet
Preparation : Mix 1 sachet with 200ml of room temperature water and stir/shake well. Drink some water after consumption if necessary. Best consume daily before bedtime.
* Consume 15 minutes before dinner if you have any gastrointestinal problem.

Main ingredients
Blackcurrants Powder
Blackcurrants(Ribes Nigrum) are very rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals. Blackcurrants also contain anthocyanins, which are compounds found naturally in berries.
It is used in treating cardiovascular diseases and preventing cardiac insufficiency and vascular accidents. It is found to increase the resistance of fragile sanguine capillaries and reduce arterial hypertension. Moreover, it cleanses the toxins, wastes and cholesterol in the blood and it intensifies weak peripheral circulation caused by menopause. Blackcurrants also act as an anti-inflammatory and powerful anti-oxidant.

Roselle Powder
Roselle(Hibiscus sabdariff L.) is well-known for its health promoting properties.
Anthocyanin, which gives roselle its deep red colour, is the most abundant antioxidant in roselle. It helps to decrease the risk of various types of cancer. Roselle is also rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C), calcium and iron.
A scientific study had been conducted on 68 diabetic patients with mild hypertension. The findings of the study showed that roselle can effectively lower blood pressure in those patients. Maintaining healthy blood pressure is very important to prevent atherosclerosis (stiffening of arteries) and cardiovascular diseases.

Corn Soluble Fiber
Corn soluble fiber is a prebiotic fiber that is well-tolerated and has a low glycemic response.
It helps to relieve occasional constipation. It also helps to maintain healthy serum triglyceride level and reduce blood cholesterol level, therefore lowering the risk of heart disease and reducing peak postprandial blood glucose to normal levels in those healthy individuals.

Apple Fiber
Apples help to reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Apples contain Vitamin C and a high level of antioxidant compounds, which help to reduce the risk of cancer by scavenging the free radicals therefore preventing DNA damage.

Aloe Vera Powder
Aloe vera, also known as the Medicinal Aloe, has been recognized for centuries for its remarkable health-enhancing properties. Aloe vera is said to facilitate digestion, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as enhancing kidney, liver and gall bladder functions.
Aloe Vera plays a very important role in medicinal field. It has been used in the treatment of bronchial congestion. It has also been used to relieve gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, irritable bowels, constipation and hemorrhoids.

Oat Fiber
Oats, known scientifically as Avena sativa, is a type of hardy cereal grain able to withstand poor soil conditions in which other crops are unable to thrive.
Oat fiber has been known to lower cholesterol level. It also helps to prevent heart diseases, stabilize blood sugar levels and enhance our immune system.

Other ingredients include Palm Oil Fiber, Spirulina, Vegetable Powder and Guar Gum

Adverse effects caused by accumulated toxins
• Migraine
• Obesity
• Abdominal distension
• Acne
• Dull skin complexion
• Menstrual pain
• Hair loss
• Dandruff
• Psoriasis
• Physical fatigue
• Insomnia
• Weak immune system
• Increased risk of getting cancers

After detoxification
• Radiant and younger looking skin
• Finer skin texture
• Supple skin with improved elasticity
• Increased energy level
• Strengthened hair
• No more dandruff
• Quality sleep
• Improvement on acidic body type
• Slender body shape

• Detoxify
• Stimulate bowel movement
• Relieve and prevent constipation
• Promote digestive function
• Provide essential nutrients
• Increase metabolism
• Enhance immune function
• Prevent cancers
• Improve blood circulation
• Maintain optimal blood pressure level
• Lower blood sugar & cholesterol level
• Antioxidant & anti-aging
• Anti-inflammatory


S’ Mocha Plus减肥咖啡 加强版

香浓美味,又能减肥——你可曾想过有这等好事?享受、想瘦双丰收,这就是S’Mocha+的承诺。来自美国配方的S’Mocha+含有重要成份如有机绿茶(Organic Green tea),藤黄果(Garcinia Cambogia),有机生咖啡豆(Organic GreenCoffee Bean),仙人掌精华(CactusPowder)和苹果纤维(Apple Fiber)具有促进脂肪分解的作用,将脂肪转换成脂肪酸,并融入血液中,脂肪酸能通过热肠运动大量被燃烧。除此之外它还能有效燃烧体内多余的脂肪,火速减磅。

S’Mocha+的功效在于:阻止体内脂肪生成,促进体内脂肪燃烧,降低血脂,增加能量水平,有效调节食量,而促进体重的减少。原理是它通过“诱导生热”来燃烧体内多余的脂肪,同时自然调节人体对食欲的要求,既安全又不会令体重反弹。如果你已经试过无数减肥方法仍未能减至理想效果,我们推荐你不妨尝喝S’Mocha+ 减肥瘦身咖啡,让自己在时尚美好的生活中“饮”出一副窈窕的好身材。




藤黄果(Garcinia cambogia)所含的速效燃脂成分HCA可迅速激活肾上腺素加大脂肪消耗,分解燃烧大量的脂肪,加大脂肪消耗。它的植物纤维素使胃具有饱和感,使人体减少了食物的摄入,从而减少因脂肪摄入过多而造成脂肪堆积的现象。


绿咖啡豆萃取拥有高抗氧化功能像绿茶和葡萄籽萃取。咖啡主要成Chlorogenic Acid,可以中合自由基,减少细胞损害。Chlorogenic Acid帮助新陈代谢。绿咖啡豆萃取比绿茶和葡萄籽萃取拥有高2倍抗氧化。它可以帮助止痛,尤其是扁头痛,减低糖尿病风险,燃烧多余脂肪,帮助运动员减少肌肉疲惫。









S’ Mocha Plus Slimming Coffee :

Ever thought that you may have ‘S’ body figure with delectable drink? S’Mocha+ which formulated in US guarantees that! That’s too simple to slim down yourself in 30days by just taking 1 sachet before or after your breakfast.

S’Mocha+ contains of various ingredients such as green tea, green coffee, apple fiber, cactus powder, and Garcinia Cambogia that promote lipolysis. Those ingredients can burn excessive body fat in our body effectively.

Indications: Suitable for light obesity, adolescence obesity, and postpartum obesity.
Keep out of children, heart disease, flu, diabetes and high blood pressure patients and women during breast-feeding and pregnancy

Preparation: Mix one sachet with 150-200ml of hot water, consume before breakfast daily.
*Consume after breakfast if you have the problem of gastric, stomach flatulence and others.
Do not consume more than 1 sachet per day.

S’Mocha+ Effects: To prevent body fat formation, accelerate fat burning, increase energy, regulate food intake, and lose weight. By using the principle of “induced heat” to burn excessive body fat, it can also control one’s appetite without any side effects. So, what are you still waiting for? Try out S’Mocha+ now to restore your “S” body figure and feel good at all times!

S’Mocha+ Results: You may reduce body weight up to 3kg after taking for 1 week. To gain a better result, you need to have an accurate diet and sufficient exercises. Not advisable to take more than 1 sachet per day.

Consumption Period:
• Ensure yourself to drink more than 3 liters of plain water during diet period.
• Avoid strenuous exercises.
• Avoid taking this product after lunch because it will affect the quality of sleep.
• Customers with special physical conditions need to consult a doctor before taking this product.

Main Ingredients

Apple Fibre
Apple help to reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Like many fruits, apples contain Vitamin C as well as a host of other antioxidant compounds, which may reduce the risk of cancer by preventing DNA damage.

Organic Green Tea Extract
Scientific studies have proved that green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is a powerful antioxidant.
It helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent abnormal formation of blood clots. Hence, this leading to lowering risk of cancer and heart diseases. Besides, it is also effective in lowering LDL cholesterol level. Moreover, it promotes fat oxidation; in order words, it helps to burn excess fat in the body.

L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid which has many uses. L-Carnitine is used for Fat Loss because L-Carnitine breaks down small fat particles circulating in your blood (long chain fatty acids). This allows the fat to be transported to the mitochondrial membrane. The mitochondrial membrane burns fat as energy; therefore if we burn fat, we will lose weight.
The source of L-carnitine in S’mocha+ is generally from large amounts of tempeh and avocados, it is suitable to be consumed by vegetarians.
This metabolic action aids the body in burning unwanted fats and removing unwanted fats from your body. Deficiencies in L-carnitine are expressed as low energy levels and muscular weakness. If your body does not have enough L-Carnitine, the unwanted excess fat is deposited in your heart and could increase the probability of heart disease.

Garcinia cambogia
Garcinia cambogia contains an extract called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), claimed to suppress appetite and enhance fat-burning.
Studies have shown that HCA decreases the activity of an essential enzyme in metabolism of fat. It also blocks the production of fatty acids for cellular storage.
Furthermore, HCA increases the production and storage of glycogen while reducing both appetite and weight gain. Moreover, it also causes extra calories to be consumed as thermogenisis is enhanced.

Cactus Powder (Hoodia gordonii)
Hoodia is a cactus that's causing a stir for its ability to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. Hoodia Gordonii is famous for its effects as an appetite suppressant and mood enhancer.
Besides that, Hoodia can boost energy levels and counteract depression.

Organic Green Coffee Extract
Green coffee has been found to have extremely strong antioxidant effect. The active constituent in coffee is called chlorogenic acid.
It neutralizes free radicals, and addresses the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which can lead to cellular degeneration if left unchecked. Chlorogenic acid also helps regulate metabolism. Green coffee extract is effective in absorbing oxygen free radicals. A reduction in the risk of diabetes; and assisting the body burn a higher proportion of lipids (fats) compared to carbohydrates, which could help with muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.

Other ingredients included oil palm fibre, non dairy creamer, organic arabica coffee powder, cocoa powder and fructose

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: Are there any side effects of this product?
A: This product is made from natural Chinese herbs and plant extracts that are without any
side effects.

Q: Will the effects rebound?
A: No, the effects will not rebound as the full weight-loss process can be divided into weight-
loss phase and consolidation phase. When one reaches desired body weight, he or she
needs to continue in taking it in lesser amount.

Q: Is this product suitable for patients or to be used with other slimming products?
A: No, it is not advisable because medication or drug will affect the effectiveness of end results.

Q: Can I take this product during menstruation period?
A: It’s not prohibited to consume during period. However, you will experience abdominal
discomfort due to pelvic congestion. Therefore, you should reduce the
amount of consumption and continue in taking it unless there is no signs of discomfort.

Q: What are the indications during consumption?
A: During the period of consumption, you are advised to take more fruits and vegetables,
as well as drinking plenty of water in order to replenish the utilisation of water for fat burning.
Also, you should have regular exercises and maintain a relieved mind to speed up the end

Q: Why will you feel thirsty after taking this product?
A: This product contains of L-carnitine components that decompose excessive body fat and burn
calories same as jogging for an hour. At this point, you just need to drink plenty of water and
fatty acids will be drained out through our sweat.